Monday, October 8, 2012

Serious Style

I decided that October would be a great time to celebrate some amazing style in our city with friends whom I've already Street Styled in the past. These four are stands outs with their distinct and funky styles, so enjoy!!!!

Street Style Huntress: Back-to-Style September

I celebrated my one year anniversary with Downtown Calgary this past September, and I'm just absolutely thrilled to be doing what I love! Capturing stylish strangers, and sometimes friends, has been quite an adventure, one that I hope will continue for many years to come. Here are the lovely people that I photographed this August and September for Back-to-Style month. Holla!


One of my favourite bloggers! Meet the lovely woman behind

Bow tie love

If all men wore bow ties, I would probably lose my mind. There's nothing lovelier than a bow tie, so let's celebrate with this post! Thanks Shawn!